Income: Via the website form, net of tax and commission: 68,053₽ (125 transactions)
Patreon donations: 148.00€ (9 patrons) Total on the account, including the balance of the previous month and received funds in €: 112,676₽ Funds invested in: Plushie Cat meeting in Moscow - 20,000₽ (the rent of the premises was paid thanks to Julia from her single donation of 20,000₽). Payment for security - 2,500₽. Payment for the work of the organizer of the event and the hosts - 7,000₽
Payment for renting a space for a similar meeting in
Samara - 2,000₽
Payment for a drinks and snacks for the guests of the festival in
St. Petersburg - 5,000₽
Information consultations (502 requests) - 20,000₽
Payment for an urgent psychiatrist's consultation for a volunteer (4 consultations) - 6,000₽
Payment to a host of online psychological support group - 3,000₽
Website administration - 6,000₽
Needs of
Moscow Mutual Aid Service (40 requests)* ** - 26,196₽
Printed materials for the Moscow Mutual Aid Service - 2,900₽
Food for the first guests of our shelter*** - 3,800₽
Payment for travel to the shelter for one of the guests - 3,000₽
*The profit from our merchandise store in March was 3,804₽, they were transferred to the needs of the Mutual Aid Service.
**Friendly coffee shop
Knut & Pryanik donates payments for every fifth cup of coffee directly to our Mutual Aid Service Fund. This amount of money in April was 2,600₽.
***We held a special fundraiser on our telegram channel which allowed us to start a shelter in Moscow for transgender people. We collected a total of 24,386₽, which were transferred to rent an apartment for six persons in crisis.
Balance: 25,280₽